business organizations


Capital is any asset used for a productive purpose. It can include tangible items, such as cash or machinery, or intangible items, such as intellectual property or human capital.

Capital can also refer to ways a company...

capital account

A capital account is used in accounting to record individual ownership rights of the owners of a company. The capital account is recorded on the balance sheet and is composed of the following items:

Owner’s capital contributions made...

capital asset

Capital assets are tangible and generally illiquid property which a business intends to use to generate revenue and expects its usefulness to exceed one year. On a balance sheet, capital assets are represented as property, plant, and...

capital expenditure

Capital expenditures (CapEx) are funds used to acquire, upgrade, or maintain capital assets. Capital expenditures are reflected in the cash flow statement, and can be calculated by adding current depreciation with the change in plant,...

capital stock

Capital stock, also known as authorized stock, refers to all common stock and preferred stock a corporation is legally allowed to issue. A corporation’s charter establishes the amount of shares the corporation may issue, and the board of...


Capitalization has different meanings, referring to the allocation of costs in tax and accounting contexts and to capital structures in the corporate context.

In tax and accounting, capitalization allows costs to be...

capitalized value

Capitalized value is the current worth of an asset, usually real estate, based on a calculation of expected income from the asset over the course of its economic lifespan. Capitalized value is a useful tool for investors to decide whether an...

carrying on business

Carrying on business is to perform activities for a business organization such as a partnership or corporation with the purpose of making a profit. The concept is used in a few different ways such as:

A trustee may have a legal duty of...


A cartel is a group of independent corporations or other entities that join together to fix prices, rig bids, allocate markets, or conduct other similar illegal activities. Cartel conduct is mainly subject to criminal penalties under United States...

cash flow statement

A cash flow statement is a business' financial statement that measures how much cash is entering and leaving the entity throughout a specific accounting period.

[Last updated in August of 2021 by the Wex Definitions Team]
