business organizations

audit committee

The audit committee is a committee composed of a company’s board of directors in charge of overseeing the company’s auditors, financial reporting, and disclosures. 15 U.S.C. § 78c(a)(58) defines an audit committee as “a committee (or...


An auditor is one who conducts an audit. Specifically, an auditor is a person or firm (usually an accountant or accounting firm) that conducts a formal examination and verification of an individual’s or organization’s records and accounts,...


Authority is the official permission or right to act, often on behalf of another. Authority may also be a person or institution that has power over another person.

Authority as agency is the power to act on behalf of another...


To authorize means to grant authority; to empower. It may also mean to formally or officially approve.

[Last updated in June of 2021 by the Wex Definitions Team]

balance due

Balance due is the amount owed on a previous statement for which payment has been required but not been made. It is usually manifested as the amount of a debt still owed on an account or the principal outstanding on a promissory note. Balance...

balance sheet

A balance sheet is a financial statement that consists of a three-part summary of a company's assets, liabilities, and ownership equity at a particular instance in time. It is intended to show the financial condition of a company at that time...

basis of the bargain test

Under section 2-313 of the Uniform Commercial Code, when determining whether an express warranty exists or is valid in a sale of goods between two parties, the court asks if any promise or affirmation, any description of the goods, or any...

basis point

A basis point (often abbreviated as bp) is a unit of measurement that denotes a change in the interest rate of a financial instrument and is equal to 1/100th of 1% or 0.01%. It is a usual practice in the financial industry to use basis points...

Battle & Sons Funeral Home v. Chambers

Battle & Sons Funeral Home v. Chambers, 63 Ohio Misc. 2d 441 (Ohio Mun. Ct. 1993), is a case in Ohio on what expenses are considered “necessary” for burial and the responsibility of the spouse to pay.



beneficial ownership

A beneficial ownership is a trust arrangement whereby the beneficial owner of a security has the power to vote on and influence decisions regarding that security, and receives the benefit afforded by the security, even though in street name...
