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Quasi-legislative means a legislative-like act undertaken by an entity other than a legislature. Entities beside the legislature cannot have full legislative powers due to the nondelegation doctrine but may still serve a quasi-legislative function. 

For example, rulemaking undertaken by an administrative agency is a quasi-legislative act. 

See, e.g. San Joaquin County v. the Superior Court: “This case presents the issue of whether a disappointed applicant to a local agency formation commission can take the depositions of the commissioners to learn what extra-record information the commissioners had when they denied the application and what additional information they needed to approve the application. Because extra-record evidence is not admissible in an action or proceeding challenging a quasi-legislative administrative decision and because the discovery permitted in this case would violate the deliberative process privilege, we hold such depositions cannot be taken.”

See also: administrative law; Administrative Procedure Act (APA)

[Last updated in August of 2023 by the Wex Definitions Team]