
noise ordinance

A noise ordinance is a municipal law that regulates the nature and level of sound that can be emitted in a given place at a given time. For example, people hosting a social event or a business doing construction work outside of certain times...

notice statute

A notice statute is a type of recording act that gives priority of title to the party with the most recently obtained valid claim, but only if the party also lacked notice of an earlier claim. When a piece of property is sold to two different...

obstruction of justice

Obstruction of justice broadly refers to actions by individuals that illegally prevent or influence the outcome of a government proceeding. While the quintessential example of obstruction of justice involves tampering in a judicial proceeding...


In general, an officer is a person who has the obligation of carrying out the responsibilities and functions of an office, whether it be duty or charge, a position of trust, or the right to engage in public or private employment.



Overbreadth is a term used in the context of Constitutional Law to describe a statute or regulation that reaches beyond the scope of the subject matter it was originally intended to cover, causing it to cover activity that it was not intended...

pen register

A pen register is a device or process that traces outgoing signals from a specific phone or computer to their destination; it is often used by law enforcement as the advanced counterpart of an outgoing call log. A pen register produces a list...

pendente lite

Pendente lite is a Latin term that means “pending the suit” or “pending [the] litigation underway.”

In the context of family law, for example, parties can file motions for pendente lite custody and child support. In Johnson...


Perjury, also known as false oath, forswearing, and falsehood, refers to knowingly making a false statement under oath or knowingly signing a legal document that is false or includes false statements. While the exact definition of perjury...

phone and telemarketing fraud

Phone and telemarketing fraud is a criminal activity involving a scheme through telephone communications. The criminal communicates via telephone contact to fraudulently divest money or property of the victim. The criminal generally relies on...

property - State statutes

Alabama (see Title 35) Alaska- Title 34 Arizona- Title 33 Arkansas (see Title 18) Colorado (searchable index - Title 38) Connecticut (see Volume 12) Delaware - Title 25 District of Columbia Personal - Title 42 Real - Title 45...
