

Security: An Overview

Security refers to a broad type of investments with risks that are regulated under securities law. Securities exist in numerous forms including: notes, stocks, treasury stocks, bonds, and certificates of interest or...

self regulatory organization

Although the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ("Exchange Act") lays out a comprehensive registration process and reporting scheme, the Act makes it clear that the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") does not single-handedly ensure industry...


Self-dealing is when a person with a fiduciary duty to a company takes action to gain personal benefit, instead of for the benefit of the company. For people who may not have a direct fiduciary duty, it also refers to a person who buys or...

senior lien

Senior lien refers to security interests in an investment that get repaid before other liens. Typically, senior liens are the first liens issued with debt on an investment. Later investors also have a lien on the property, but if the debtor...

shareholder derivative suit

A shareholder (stockholder) derivative suit is a lawsuit brought by a shareholder or group of shareholders on behalf of the corporation against the corporation’s directors, officers, or other third parties who breach their duties.The claim of...

shareholders' meeting

A shareholders’ meeting is a meeting held by the shareholders of a company to discuss the arrangements of the company or to vote in the election of board members. The shareholders should participate in the meeting in person; however,...

shelf offering

Shelf offerings are a public offering of securities where the issuer can make multiple offerings based on the same prospectus, known as the core prospectus, as opposed to filing a new registration statement with every offering. Also referred...

shelf registration

See: shelf offering

[Last updated in January of 2022 by the Wex Definitions Team]

silent partner

A silent partner is also known as a dormant partner; an investor who becomes a member of a partnership by virtue of capital contribution, but plays an inactive role in the daily operation and management of the business. A silent partner is...

smaller reporting company

Smaller reporting company is a class of reporting company which has relaxed Regulation S-K and Regulation S-X disclosure requirements.

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Rule 12b-2 establishes the requirements for a...
