judicial administration

Administrative Office of the United States Courts

The Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AO) is an administrative agency that is the central support entity for the judicial branch providing a wide range of administrative, legal, financial, management, program, and information...


To amend is to make a change by adding, subtracting, or substituting. For example, one can amend a statute, a contract, the United States Constitution, or a pleading filed in a lawsuit. Generally, procedures dictate the way in which one...

ancillary jurisdiction

Ancillary jurisdiction allows a federal court to hear a claim that would normally be outside of its subject-matter jurisdiction if it is substantially related to a second claim that is within the court's jurisdiction. A claim comes within a...

Article III

Article III refers to Article III of the Constitution, the section of the Constitution that authorizes a federal court system. This provides that federal courts have judicial power over all cases and controversies arising under the...

associate justice

Associate justice is the designation given to a justice on a judicial panel who is not the chief justice.

Most commonly, the term is used to describe one of the eight associate justices on the Supreme Court of the United...

at issue memorandum

An at issue memorandum is a legal document usually filed in a civil case. It states that all the parties in a case have been served and that the parties are at issue (or in disagreement) over one or more points that need...

bankruptcy court

There are 94 federal judicial districts. Each of these districts handle bankruptcy matters. Bankruptcy courts refer to the courts in each district that specifically hear bankruptcy cases. In almost every district, bankruptcy courts hear...

Board of Veterans’ Appeals (BVA)

The Board of Veterans’ Appeals (BVA) is an administrative appeals board of the U.S. Department of Veterans’ Affairs (VA) that adjudicates U.S. military veterans’ claims regarding veteran benefits, such as disability compensation, medical...


Calendar is a list of cases that a court is scheduled to hear. See: Court Calendar, Criminal Calendar.

When used as a verb, it means to place a case, motion, or other activity into the court's calendar to be heard. For...

calendar call

Calendar call is a pre-trial meeting that is held by a judge with the attorneys of both the parties in a case to schedule a date for trial or hearing, and to arrange some other pre-trial details. Generally, a court session is held in which...
