financial services

individual retirement account (IRA)

Individual retirement accounts (IRA) allow employees to create personal retirement accounts that receive the tax benefits of an employee sponsored 401k plan. IRAs can be created at many banks and investment companies with a variety of...


An indorsement, also spelled as "endorsement" in some legal contexts, refers to the placement of a signature on the back of a negotiable instrument, such as a check, promissory note, or bill of exchange. The purpose of the endorsement is to...

International Bank of Reconstruction and Development

The International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) was established in 1944 as the original institution of the World Bank group. Its aim is to reduce poverty in middle-income and creditworthy poorer countries by promoting...

International Financial Reporting Standards

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are accounting rules for the preparation, presentation, and reporting of financial statements. The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) issues and develops the IFRS. The purpose of...


An investment is the purchase of a financial instrument (such as stocks, bonds and bank products) or an asset with the purpose of producing income for the purchaser through profit or generating more business in the future.


Investor Protection Guide: Affinity Fraud

Affinity fraud is not a singular specific type of fraud but is rather defined as any and all frauds targeted towards members of an identifiable group of individuals such as those with a common religion, ethnic heritage, background, or...

Investor Protection Guide: Auction Rate Securities

Auction rate securities (ARS) are debt or preferred equity securities whose interest rates are periodically reset through auctions and which are issued with long-term maturities or in perpetuity. ARS were promoted as being as safe as...


Individual retirement accounts (IRA) allow employees to create personal retirement accounts that receive the tax benefits of an employee sponsored 401k plan. IRAs can be created at many banks and investment companies with a variety of...


Kiting or check-kiting is the practice of covering a bad check from one bank account to another. Persons with multiple bank accounts use this advantage because it takes multiple days to process checks. The check that has been deposited...

law and economics

The term “law and economics” refers to an area of scholarship dedicated to application of modern economic principles to the study of law. It is primarily concerned with economic efficiency, game theory, and the fair distribution of resources...
