constitutional law

New York State Rifle & Pistol Association (NYSRPA) v. Bruen (2022)

New York State Rifle & Pistol Association (NYSRPA) v. Bruen is an influential Supreme Court case in the field of constitutional law regarding the interpretation of the Second Amendment. The holding in Bruen reaffirms the precedent set in...

nondelegation doctrine

The non-delegation doctrine stands for the principle that Congress cannot delegate its legislative powers or lawmaking ability to other entities. This prohibition typically involves Congress delegating its powers to administrative agencies or...

nonfederal grounds

Nonfederal grounds refers to a case, area, situation, or even a piece of property that is outside of federal jurisdiction or where a federal law or entity is not the primary authority.

For example, the Supreme Court will...


Notice is the constitutional requirement that a party being brought into court be informed of the controversy. Due Process clauses of the United States Constitution prohibit courts from hearing a case that could adversely affect a party's...

one-person, one-vote rule

One-person, one-vote refers to the rule that one person’s voting power ought to be roughly equivalent to another person’s within the same state.

The rule comes up in the context of strategically drafting voting laws and...


Originalism is a theory of interpreting legal texts holding that a text in law, especially the U.S. Constitution, should be interpreted as it was understood at the time of its adoption. The original meaning of the constitutional text can be...

parade permits

The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right to freedom of speech and assembly. However, large group assemblies such as a parade, may require a permit from the governing municipality. Parade permits could be granted after...

pen register

A pen register is a device or process that traces outgoing signals from a specific phone or computer to their destination; it is often used by law enforcement as the advanced counterpart of an outgoing call log. A pen register produces a list...


In a legal context, a person is able to act in their own right, possessing legal rights and liabilities. The term “person” includes both a natural person (a living human being), and a legal person (an entity).

See also: 15...

personal information

Personal information is contextualized data that can be used to identify a person. Personal information is closely connected to the right to privacy, which has evolved to protect the ability of individuals to determine the kind of information...
