

An algorithm is a set of rules or a computational procedure that is typically used to solve a specific problem. In the case of Vidillion, Inc. v. Pixalate Inc. an algorithm is defined as “one or more process(es), set of rules, or methodology...

artificial intelligence (AI)

According to 15 U.S. Code § 9401 artificial intelligence is defined as “a machine-based system that can, for a given set of human-defined objectives, make predictions, recommendations or decisions influencing real or virtual environments.”...

Commerce Control List

In the interest of U.S. national security, the Department of Commerce's Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) is responsible for implementing and enforcing the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), which regulate the export and re-export...

computer and internet fraud

Computer and internet fraud entails the criminal use of a computer or the Internet and can take many different forms. While some argue that “hacking” is a neutral term (see United States v. Thompson (2022)) illegal hacking is when a...

Computer Maintenance Competition Assurance Act

Title III of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, the Computer Maintenance Competition Assurance Act, broadened Section 117 of the Copyright Act to allow third-party maintenance organizations to used software licensed to a computer’s owner or lessee...


A cookie is data created by an internet server while browsing a website that is sent to a web browser. The browser stores the information in a text file, and re-sends that information to the server each time the browser accesses the server....


Cybersquatting occurs when a person other than the owner of a well-known trademark registers that trademark as an Internet domain name and then attempts to profit from it either by ransoming the domain name back to the trademark owner or by...


Data (a plural noun) are representations of factual information without context, usually stripped down for the sake of processing. Once context is applied to data, data then become more commonly known as information. Once information becomes...

data broker

According to Vermont Statute, 9 V.S.A. § 2430 (4)(a) a data broker is a “business, or unit or units of a business, separately or together, that knowingly collects and sells or licenses to third parties the brokered personal information of a...

digital signature

A digital signature is an electronic equivalent of a person’s physical signature. It is like an electronic fingerprint that is unique to each signer. As explained by the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency, a digital signature...
