copyright law

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An author is a person who creates, comes up or gives existence to something. Most people think of an author as an individual who wrote a paper, book, poem, letter or any kind of literary work. If the work was made for hire, the employer or...

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Collective work is defined as a work, such as an issue of a magazine, an anthology or an encyclopedia, in which a number of contributions, constituting separate and independent works in themselves, are assembled into a whole, see 17 U.S.C. §...

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Under the Copyright Act, a compilation is a "work formed by the collection and assembling of preexisting materials or of data that are selected, coordinated, or arranged in such a way that the resulting work as a whole constitutes an original...

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A copy means an imitation or reproduction or duplicate of an original. Some common usesof the term “copy” in a legal sense include:

In the context of copyright law, cases such as this one from the Ninth Circuit, explain that “copy” for...
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Copyright is the exclusive legal right to reproduce, publish, sell, or distribute the matter and form of something.

Overview - U.S. Copyright Act

The U.S. Copyright Act, (codified at 17 U.S.C. §§ 101 - 810), is federal...

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A copyright owner is the entity that owns the exclusive rights comprised within a copyright. Copyright owners have specific rights, such as reproduction of the work, distribution of the work, production of products deriving from the work or...


Omega is a corporation that manufactures high-end watches in Switzerland. See Omega v. Costco Wholesale Corporation, 541 F.3d 982, 983 (9th Cir. 2008). The company sells its watches worldwide through an authorized network of...

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Derivative work refers to a copyrighted work that comes from another copyrighted work. Copyrights allow their owners to decide how their works can be used, including creating new derivative works off of the original product. Derivative works...

(Wex page)

“Fixed in a tangible medium of expression” is one of the requirements for receiving copyright protection for a work under the Copyright Act in 17 U.S.C. § 102(a). In order to apply for copyright protection, a work must fulfill all the...


In 1989, the United States became a party to the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (“Berne Convention”). See Golan v. Holder, 609 F.3d 1076, 1080 (10th Cir. 2010). The Berne Convention called for its member nations to...
