appellate practice

(Wex page)

Abuse of discretion is a standard of review used by appellate courts to review decisions of lower courts. The appellate court will typically find that the decision was an abuse of discretion if the discretionary decision was made in plain...

(Wex page)

Appellate jurisdiction refers to the power of a court to hear appeals from lower courts.


Appellate jurisdiction includes the power to reverse or modify the lower court's decision. Appellate jurisdiction exists...

(Wex page)

Certiorari simply defined is a “writ” by which a higher court (such as an appellate court) reviews some lower court’s decision (such as a district court).

When a party loses in a court of law, often said party is...

(Wex page)

De novo is a Latin term that means "anew," "from the beginning," or "afresh." When a court hears a case “de novo,” it is deciding the issues without reference to any legal conclusion or assumption made by the previous court to hear the case....